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Repeat 9 Times

A progress picture:

PoA Scarf

I've finished the first section and I've started the first repeat and a half. Only 8 and a half repeats to go! I love working with this yarn on my Addi needles. It's so smooth and quick and my hands don't get itchy or feel rough. I really like Brown Sheep. I like the feel of all their yarns I've worked with so far: Lamb's Pride Worsted, Handpainted, and Nature Spun. Plus, it's not particularly expensive compared to other yarns. I have yet to wear any of the items I've made (they are all bags), so I might not like it against my skin, but I'm finding Nature Spun quite tolerable.

Tonight, I need to return the ugly iron-on patches I got from A.C. Moore and exchange them for some pin-backs and appropriate glue to adhere the pin-backs to my knitted flowers. My swap needs to be mailed tomorrow.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 29, 2004 11:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Harry Potter Begins!.

The next post in this blog is Knitting on the Road.

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