Two more people have joined the knitalong!
Jen of Hey! Jen Knits! was planning on Hufflepuff colors for her scarf, but changed her mind and is now doing the blue and grey of Ravenclaw.
Katy of not without my effects is doing a Slytherin scarf.
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Two more people have joined the knitalong!
Jen of Hey! Jen Knits! was planning on Hufflepuff colors for her scarf, but changed her mind and is now doing the blue and grey of Ravenclaw.
Katy of not without my effects is doing a Slytherin scarf.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2004 2:13 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Two! Two Knitters! Ha! Ha! Ha!.
The next post in this blog is Two More Fans.
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