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Swatching! Casting!

Tonight, I swatched Salt Peanuts in my Cherry Tree Hill Potluck Worsted.

Salt Peanuts Swatch

This was my third swatch, when I was able to get gauge. I started on a US9 and worked up to the US10.5, which is what the pattern recommends. The stitches are a little looser than ideal, but I can live with it; I'll be able to wear it on warmer days than my original conception for it.

Working with the yarn itself is very lovely. It's 100% wool and feels nice and warm to my hands. The changing colors keeps it fun and I like how my eyes are drawn to the quickly changing gradients. I need to pick up a pair of US10.5 Addi Turbo circ in the semi-near future, but I have a bamboo circ I can use for now.

I plan on casting on tonight too and knitting a few rows. Salt Peanuts is away!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2004 11:55 PM.

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