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Get Thee Behind Me

Work continues on the house, but it is mostly in the downstairs apartment and the basement. Thus, I was free to finish up the back of Salt Peanuts.

Salt Peanuts Back

Lovely! I really like the colors. At first, I thought it was too fuscha, but with the patches of green and the distribution of colors, it's much better. The six hanks of yarn are in the same "family" (rightly so since they are from the same pot) but color distribution varies a great deal. I've decided that the two green-heavy hanks will make up the back and top of the sleeves. The front will be more purple/yellow, with the top being greener than the bottom. I decided that I would live with the uneven distribution of colors because to alternate the yarn would be too annoying for me.


The lace ribbing isn't as well-defined as the original, probably due to the multicolored nature and different yarn quality. The ribbing appears better when stretched; it is not stretched in the closeup image. Other than the undoing I had to do yesterday, the pattern has been pretty easy to follow.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 16, 2004 6:25 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Salt Peanuts Update.

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