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I. Think. I. Can.

Really slow progress on Salt Peanuts.

Salt Peanuts

Really slow. That's because the knitting instructions aren't line by line. I had to piece the pattern together. "Once the work reaches 40cm, do X. One the work reaches 56.5cm, do Y." Augh! I keep measuring and remeasuring. I've been writing the pattern out line by line. I'm into the collar/short row shaping/armhole. I'm trying to plow ahead as fast as possible but I've got the speed of a racing snail (not of the variety from The Neverending Story).

Close look at Salt Peanuts

Lovely inside collar! Despite the slow place, I'm still very excited about the sweater and can't wait to finish it so I can wear it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2004 9:48 PM.

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The next post in this blog is 11 at 13!.

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