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Not. Dead. Yet!

Tonight, I went to hear David Sedaris speak at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. He was funny (as one would expect), but he didn't look like I pictured him. Then again, I always pictured him as a cartoon character (a la Lisa Simpson substituting what Yeardly Smith looks like in real life) because of his voice.

Afterwards, I dragged Mike to a quick sandwich and then down to the New York Stitch'N Bitch to drop off the front of the Flame Sweater. I also picked up this:

Flame Sweater Yarn

More yarn! Deb asked and I volunteered to knit the sleeves. She didn't have the pattern, but I should expect it over the next few days. Some intarsia and duplicate stitching. Fun fun fun!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 1, 2004 10:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was PoA in 3 Days!.

The next post in this blog is Salt Peanuts Sleeves.

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