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Salt Peanuts Sleeves

I didn't do much knitting today, since I spent the bulk of the day at work training. It looks like I'm going to start doing some IA-type work, which is what I'd like to do a bit of, for variety. This evening was the Harry Potter NYC Line Party. I forgot to take pictures, but it was a lot of fun! Harry Potter Fangirls and Fanboys are very pretty and the energy of the crowd at the screening was electric.

Salt Peanuts Sleeves

I did manage to work on some Salt Peanuts sleeves in the morning. I'm about mid-forearm. I can't help stopping every few rows to wrap the sleeves around my arms and admire my work. I'm so proud of myself: my first sweater is coming soon!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 3, 2004 11:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Not. Dead. Yet!.

The next post in this blog is Day Zero.

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