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Flame Sweater Intarsia

My intarsia is terrible. Actually, that's not true. My intarsia is fine; it's my stranding that is terrible. I make it way too tight when the bridge is more than four stitches and it leads to quite a bit of puckering. I've done the left sleeve (sans the yellow duplicate stitching) and the intarsia for the right. Last night, I decided to do a small section of black with intarsia (instead of stranding) to see how it would come along. In general, such a small section of black would have the yarn carried over, but I was desperate to try to improve the work. It turned out pretty good! So, my intarsia good, my stranding bad. I hope that with my future experiments in fair isle will improve it.

This afternoon, I went into the city early to show Deb my progress so far with the intarsia for the flame sweater. The BUST offices were very nice and I got to see a group of very cool and interesting women. It looks like a place I'd like to work at someday. She looked at my work and said that it didn't look too bad, especially when steamed flat. She showed me the original and its bell-shaped sleeves and maroon-instead-of-red flame. I think the new sleeve shape and color improve the sweater. I can picture a beefcake of a guy wearing it.

I told Deb that I should be done by Thursday and I hope we'll make plans to meet so I can give her the completed sleeves. Then it's back to Salt Peanuts to finish those sleeves! Just call me the sleeve-lady.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 4:59 PM.

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