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My Salt Peanuts is progressing nicely and I expect to be done with it by this weekend. So far, it looks like I've got a nice pair of long armwarmers.

Salt Peanuts

I think the blend from one ball of yarn to another is pretty good, doing two arms at once, although I think next time, I won't do them on a single circular. I find pushing the yarn from off the cord to the needle takes time and I'm much slower than I want to be. "I'd be done by now if it wasn't for all the pushin' around I have to do!"

I bought myself a click-clack row counter at Seaport Yarns and have been use it to keep track of my sleeve progress. I like it very much; it is easier to use than the turning row counters, although those are more convenient since you can attach them to your needles. Plus, I find the sound it makes quite pleasant.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 10, 2004 11:31 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fini!.

The next post in this blog is Comin' Out of the Woodwork.

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