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Fuzzy Hats!

I've completed the two hats.

I have a love/hate relationship with this yarn, ggh's Lara. It's warm and fuzzy and extremely touchable... 100% wool! But, it's hard to undo, really difficult to actually see the stitches, and requires some serious brushing to look fuzzy and furry; the strands are so long that they get wrapped into the stitches and need to be combed out.

I managed to do what I needed to do and they are done!

White Fuzzy Hat
I like the white hat. Even though I'm not sure if it matches anything in my wardrobe (although it could be a nice compliment to my fuzzy funky black dress coat), it's something that I would like to wear on those warm nights. I even like the pompom tie-ends.

Brown Hat
The brown hat has bear ears! So cute!

I've finished sewing the bottom of the red bag together and the two handles, but I'm unclear on how I should sew in the handles... or sew the top edge down for that matter. I'm seeing Deb tomorrow and she'll show me what needs to be done.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 2004 11:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Too Many Things! Too Little Time!.

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