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An evening at BUST

I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening in New York City, finishing and knitting away in the BUST offices. What I did:

* Finished up the brown and white hats. My cast-off was good and I weaved in the ends and added the tassels. They are seriously fun hats and I'm really interested in making one for myself.
* Removed the duplicate stitching on the baby cardigan and stitched a new design into place. (For full disclosure purposes, the photograph below is pre-my stitching. The new design is smaller.)
Baby Cardigan
* Deb worked out the "London Calling" sweater pattern and I'm ready to go! She worked it out on knitter's graph paper, which is just brilliant. It reminds me that I need to redo Ron's hat on knitter's graph paper; it will give me a more accurate look at the design so I can compare it with stills from the movie.

"London Calling" an intarsia sweater design. At its worst, I will have to deal with thirteen different yarn sections. Wheeeeeeeee! I'm rather excited about the prospect. I hope to finish the sleeves tomorrow, so I'll have the weekend to work on the sweater front.

My pink buttons were too small at 3/4". They'll need to be upgraded to 1" to fit well with the button holes in the sweater. Rats.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2004 12:17 AM.

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