On the belief that my little New Jersey town has Everything, I looked up some sewing stores in my town. I decided that "I've Got a Notion" could be right up my alley. I was right. There, I picked up some black lining for the bag and pink buttons for the sweater.
I think they look about right. I was trying to get a match with the hot pink, but all the buttons that matched the bright hot pink were pearly or too fancy. I matched a lot of buttons to the light pink in the swatch, but Deb indicated that she wanted something darker. The buttons I picked are plain and in between the bright pink and the dark pink.
This evening, I hand-sewed the lining into the bag. It looks pretty good! I'm actually pretty proud of the work I did on it. It's something that I hadn't done before and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to getting a sewing machine (my birthday present from mama, hopefully) and doing more sewing.
I also sewed the snaps into the baby cardigan at Knit Wits (the local needlework group; most members knit but I've also seen some fabulous needlepoint and quilting and sewing from group members). I received the sleeves for the Soft-Kid sweater (titled "London Calling") today and cast them on. Whee!