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Drowning in Azkaban Goodness

Hmm, never thought I'd use the words "Azkaban" and "Goodness" in a row, but anyway, a lot of new knitters and two updates:

I met Kristin, of Lost Geographer, at the Harry Potter IMAX showing. She's best known as being the fabulous associate editor of The Leaky Cauldon, one of the best sources of Harry Potter news. I believe she has one of the few photographs of me in costume. Anyway, she informed me that she's unsure what kind of scarf she'll be working on (either Ravenclaw which is her assigned house or Gryffindor, where her heart belongs), but she's joining the knitalong.

Renata of The Wild Renacerous (who I also know personally as anarchistinde from LiveJournal) has been requested to knit a scarf for a friend. She is joining the knitalong and doing a Ravenclaw à la the book (blue and gold).

Lily of Caprice is a brand new knitter (woo hoo!) and is going to do a Gryffindor scarf. She's got the yarn already and is just waiting for the needles so she can cast on.

Karyn sends her stats...
from: Singapore (teeny tiny tropical island. which is why people always stare when i knit on the bus or train :P)
scarves made: 1 half-sized ravenclaw (with CC initialed), 1 half-sized gryffindor (sold! *grinz*), 1 full-sized gryffindor, 1 full-sized slytherin all in PS/CoS colours.
presently working on: final sleeve of gryffindor quidditch sweater and about to embark on a PoA gryffindor full-sized.

Jesslyn of is this thing on? bit the bullet and is knitting a Ravenclaw, her house colors. She watched the movie and opted to do a scarf in movie colors instead of book colors. (She does like the Slytherin colors though.)

Jenni of A Fuzzy Dream has been knitting off and on for the past year and knitting the PoA scarf will be her first attempt at circular knitting. She is starting out with a Slythern scarf for a friend, but is planning to knit all of the house colors. Woo hoo! (She's seen it atleast five times already. Woah.)

Anne of Yet Another Discalceate Hoyden is about to start Ravenclaw movie version scarf. She's in high school, has been knitting for six years, and is teacking others to knit at her school, so she's got a little knitting community going on!

Mary Jo of VWChick's Knitting Musings is going to do either a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw scarf, depending on which yarn she picks up. She indicates that she'll probably do both eventually.

Mori is done with her old-style Gryffindor scarf and is starting a PoA thin-but-long tie-like scarf in Slytherin followed by Ravenclaw.

Heather had to frog her Gryffindor scarf and her mother's Ravenclaw scarf because she didn't like them as wide. They've been restarted on smaller needles.








Mary Jo


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