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Close observers will notice that a number of older entries have been removed from the archives. These are the entries that detail the production knitting I did for Debbie Stoller for Stitch'n Bitch Nation. She's requested that I remove the specifics until the book comes out, which is totally cool with me, so I have honored her request. After its publication, I'll republish those entries as written. I feel this is a comfortable compromise: I do not have to alter my writing and those entries will come back up after the book (and its patterns) are out there.

Y'all will just have to see the finished products when the book comes out. Hee hee! I guarantee that the designs will be fabulous and uber-cool. I'm already itching to make myself a few of the pieces (if just to work with the Soft-Kid and Lana again)! I've heard of a couple more designs that will be in the book (that I didn't work on) and they sound really great too.

Stitch'n Bitch and Stitch'n Bitch Nation. The first taught me how to knit. The second (well, knitting pieces for the second) taught me even more. I highly recommend the first for new knitters looking to pick up good techniques and practices. Start on page one and you can't go wrong!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 5, 2004 2:29 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Drowning in Azkaban Goodness.

The next post in this blog is Salt Peanuts Update.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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