Becky of Always Knitting Something is our newest Salt Peanuts knitter. She ordered the Muench Bergamo in Air Blue. This is her first attempt at a sweater! Woo hoo!
Lenore, another new Salt Peanuts knitter, started hers recently and is knitting a size smaller than what she typically wears. She is on Weight Watchers and is hoping that, by the time she is done, she will be the right size. (Crossing fingers!)
I noticed that Craftster.Org has created a new subsection in Knitting: a topic for knitalongs. Our Salt Peanuts knitalong thread was moved to there. Since last I wrote:
Jas finished the fronts and has moved on to the sleeves. Huzzah!
Emmdy got gauge on the first try (US10.5s) and is almost finished with the waist increases. Although she had a bit of stickiness with the lace ribbing, it now looks really good and she's trucking along. Double huzzah!
Paige is finished the back! Woo hoo!
Jill has finished the back too (double Woo hoo!) and is taking a short hiatus to knit a Princess Snowball Cat Bed for her yoga instructor's cats.