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June 9, 2004 Archives

June 9, 2004

Salt Peanuts Update

No new Salt Peanut knitters, but a few updates.

I fixed Emmdy's link (whoops!), so now one can check out her cool website. She's currently have swatching issues (US10? US9?). Hopefully, that will get resolved soon (she thinks it might be due to yarn stretchiness) and she'll be diving into Salt Peanuts! I adjusted the links so that one can see gerbera's updates from her website; she is at the waist decreases of the back. Carrie is also working up the back and loves the drape of the fabric.

Jen updated Clarifications, Adaptations, Corrections and Advice for Knitting Salt Peanuts with my notes regarding the front lace pattern. It's only the first 20 rows, but I think it's illustrative of the lace pattern and how that works in relation to the decreases.

I am back working on the sleeves and I hope to be finished by this weekend (isn't this the third upcoming weekend where I hoped to finish it?).

HP Knitalong New Knitter

One new knitter to the HP knitalong: Cindy (from Bartlesville, Oklahoma). She's a relatively new knitter (4 months), but is already a third of the way into a Ravenclaw scarf. She also plans on making a house sweater! Woo hoo!

Some updates from the knitters:
Julia discovers that the PoA scarf is good for mindless midnight knitting. I, too, am generally sorted into Ravenclaw despite my love for Gryffindor colors. I do note that, according to the Hogwarts Sorting Hat Quiz, I am a Gryffindor.
Amysue has worked on it; I wonder if Noah was able to wear it over the weekend.
Siobhan posted a great account of the IMAX showing on Saturday, along with notes about us meeting. She rocks! Check out her scarf.

Continue reading "HP Knitalong New Knitter" »


I finished the duplicate stitching for the flame sweater today.

Woo hoo!

Flames!  Flames!

My duplicate stitching isn't too bad and it went really fast; it felt just like cross stitching. There were some bits where the yarn was loose, which causes the duplicate stitching to look loose. I tried to tighten them as best as I could to make it look as even as I could. From about five feet away, I think it looks pretty good.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled Salt Peanuts!

About June 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in June 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 8, 2004 is the previous archive.

June 10, 2004 is the next archive.

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