
Sara's Candy Apple Sparkle Scarf Archives

May 4, 2004

Red! With Sparkles!

Tonight, I went to NYC to have dinner with Sara and hopefully see Troy. We were unable to go to Penang (the location has mysteriously poofed from Third Avenue), so we opted for the Blue Nine Burger Joint. It was fast, cheap, and quite tasty: a burger and chocolate shake! That only took us about 45 minutes, so we walked to KnitNY and took a gander at the lovely yarn. I told Sara that I'd love to knit something for her, since her birthday is coming up. She spent some time deciding between a number of different yarns, but then I pointed out a pretty good combination.

Sara's Stash

The photograph doesn't do it justice. The yarn on the right is the main yarn: Great Adirondack Yarn Company Merino Superwash in Candy Apple 322. The yarn on the left is the "fun" yarn: Knit One Crochet Too The Gourmet Collection Spinkles in Red. The fun yarn has lovely sparkly bits you can't see well in the photograph. Knitting with them together won't change gauge, I think. I'll knit a 13 stitch wide seed stitch scarf. It will make a lovely red scarf that will be soft yet warm and fun for Sara.

Alas, we didn't get to see Troy: too many people showed up to the screening. Instead, we watched Mean Girls, which was biting and funny. I spent the time in the dark knitting my PoA Scarf. I hope that our Thursday screening of Van Helsing turns out better.

May 25, 2004

Mindless Knitting

Yesterday, Mike and I went to see Mean Girls in order to use up the $12 movie coupon that was expiring at the end of the month. The comedy was still fresh, even though I've already seen it. I wanted some mindless knitting while we watched the movie, so I picked up the red yarns I bought for Sara early in the month. During the movie, using just the Great Adirondack Company Merino Superwash, I knit up a couple of garter stitch rows then started some seed stitch. It looked really good on US10s with 17 stitches.

Tonight, I brought the knitting with me to SNB NY and spent most of the time in transit and at the meeting on it. I added the Knit One Crochet Too yarn to it, hoping it wouldn't affect gauge. Alas, it did. So, I plan on ripping up the work I did yesterday and binding off the end, so it looks like I started with the glittery yarn from the beginning.

Sara's Scarf

I'd say I'm about halfway done. Not bad for about four hours of knitting. I love the glitter bits in it.

Glitter Bits!

It just shimmers lovely in the light. The seed stitch not only shows off the color changes in the Merino, but the ridges in the stitch allows the glitter bits to pop up and out from it. I think I'll need to make up one of these for myself in future.

May 30, 2004

Red, Warm, and Sparkly!

Just in time for Memorial Day!

In the afternoon, Mike and I went to Jockey Hollow, a park outside of Morristown, New Jersey for some promised hiking. I brought Sara's scarf, trying to finish it. We took a trail that was probably 2 miles long. I was doing fine until the end, when the trail became narrower and had steeper inclines. I don't mind walking far, just not too uphill/downhill. It was good to get some fresh(er) air in my lungs and I did get a good bit of knitting done.

I spent the evening watching Mostly Martha and finished up the scarf. The film was good, although predictable, a German romantic comedy about an introverted cook. The yarn lasted a lot longer than I expected; it is a good 76 inches long. I made sure to knit myself a little swatch with the two yarns combined, just so I can remember the fabulous combination. I also have a small square of just the Merino Superwash. I'm surprised at how warm the scarf is when doubled around the neck. Fantastic! It's a really nice, glittery, almost-all weather scarf.

Sara's Scarf

I will probably mail it out on Tuesday. Woo hoo!

About Sara's Candy Apple Sparkle Scarf

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in the Sara's Candy Apple Sparkle Scarf category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Craftster.Org Secret Pal is the previous category.

Secret Pal II is the next category.

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