The requirements to enlist in the Fen Journals are few, but necessary in order to keep our portion of the web active and dynamic.
  1. You must have an online journal. You could send out email entries, but a web archive is required.
  2. It must be reasonably updated. Atleast one entry a month.
  3. You must like science fiction!

Contributing to the personal log section is not required but greatly encouraged. It will be a wonderful resource for a new book to read or a possible movie to watch. The website is only as good as the crew makes it.

The Process
Put a link to the Fen Journals ( from your website. Please place it in a reasonably prominent position (if I spend more than 5 minutes looking for it, it's not prominently placed). You can select a graphic from our collection (coming soon!) or come up with your own. If you come up with your own, it will be assimilated into the collection.

Then email me at Tell me the name of your journal, your name (psuedonyms are ok), and a short description of yourself.

That's it! You should be your entry up in a few days. If you need to change your data, follow the same procedure.

Please consider contributing to our reviews section. What have you read? What have you watched? Let us know!

The Gallery

We have a small gallery of images if you want to link to us. Do you have a Fen Journals graphic that you want to see displayed in our gallery? Send it to us!

© Copyright Eileene Coscolluela