TITLE: A Doll's House
- Description: An examination of the loss of 'self', both clinically
and personally.
- "I did not lose myself all at once...." Amy Tan
SECTION I: Entrance
- an overview of the problem/issue
- "Are we nothing more than a cumulative sum of our experiences?"
- the chasm between who I used to be and who I am now
- the definition of self
- genetics and a timeline
SECTION II: Main Hallway
- The catalysts of change
- "I knew who I was once. I fought to hold on."
- childhood fears and wants
- warzone: Norfolk
- when I grow up, I want to be a....
- "Thirteen seems to be a turning point."
SECTION III: Living Room
- the media
- "I went into the 80's with a child's heart, and a woman's body..."
- the effect of the Mtv generation
- admiration of the feminine "ideal"
SECTION IV: The bath
- how awareness and body image changes over time
- "At once, I was aware that these changes gave me a power I didn't
have before."
- pressures to act your age
- comparing me to you
- differences emerge between the made-up self and the core
SECTION V: The Study
- what school really teaches the girls today
- "How could these gangly, gawky, dyed-blonde shells possibly know me
to comment?"
- Rumors, lies, and things unsaid
- expectations vs. needs
- "If I am what they say I am, then how could I have been so wrong all
this time?"
- what we lock away
- "Inside, I guess I always knew I wasn't going to fit in...."
- "I played with dolls at home, and wore the expected leather to class."
- "It's not right -- being smarter than the boys you're trying to
- a conscious choice to fit in.
SECTION VII: The Kitchen
- The perfect wife/mother complex
- "If I could only bake more, keep the house clean, hold on to the
- giving away the rest of the power.
- suppression of talents
SECTION VIII: The Basement
- Boxes full of authenticity
- "Behind a set of miniblinds, I found the pictures that proved I was
happy once..."
- finding the clues
- making the first, hesitant steps
SECTION IX: The Garden Gate
- breaking free
- "Expectations don't mean as much when you know who you are."
- a move backward to go forward
- letting go, forgiving, and moving on
Project URL: http://www.moderngypsy.com/fw/