Rebellion - Living a waste.
-Description - A personal trek into the reasons of rebellion.
- Before it started
- Moving
- Upside-down life
- High School
- Daddy Dearest
Section II
- The first stages.
- Drugs
- Hospitilazation
- Steps forward
- Meeting Jim
- Painful loss
- Hitting a brick wall
- Parental agreement
- Running away.
- Saying goodbye to Jim
- Life in a backpack
- Finding True Love.
Section IV
- Struggling
- Almost losing it all.
- Growing up.
- Makeing the right choices.
Section VII
- Trouble in paradise
- Making it better
- Morning sickness
- Whirlwind marriage
Section VII
- It's a girl!
- Depression
- Making the best of things.
- A red Plus
Section VIII
- Descisions
- Being Ill
- Abortion
- Healing
Section IX
- Hiding inside
- Unhappy with life
- Another Red Plus
- Moving
Section X
- It's a boy!
- Making amends.
- Struggling for happiness
- The trip home.