Eileene (or Iko, whichever you prefer) is a 23 year old botanist web developer with an obsession for many things: books, a cappella, her computer, her partner, the Internet, most things Japanese, and most recently, a reinterest in cyberpunk. An otaku (o
ccasional hentai), webgrrl, and roleplayer, her interests tend to gravitate towards the geeky variety. Her office is in New York City, her home in Jersey, and her heart in the cornfields of Illinois.
Ann Monroe is an artist, writer, and web-monster in Madison, Wisconsin, simultaneously working on acrylic paintings, a vampire novel, and her web site and online journal. Her credentials include three-quarters of a degree in English (writing emphasis), lo
ts of clerical and sales work, and a certain sarcastic je ne sais quoi. She has lived in several places, including but not limited to Ridgetown, Ontario, Chicago, Illinois, and Dallas, Texas. Her extremely worldly attitude comes from the life exper
ience gained in these locales. Ann’s project, "Introvert," will be an exploration of her two-sided nature -- the balance between needing to be alone, and needing to interact with others.
Elizabeth is a 27-year-old artist-writer-webdesigner, currently
residing in San Diego, CA with her best friend Henry and her iguana, Hauie.
While shedding some of her skin during this past few months, she has
decided against character to stay in one place for at least the next year,
or until she can come up with the money for a laptop, digital camera, and
sturdy gas-guzzling cadillac convertible that will carry her across the
country to fulfill her strange midnight fantasies of meeting (and writing
about) everyone in the world.
Project URL: http://www.moderngypsy.com/fw/
Ginkgo was once a widely distributed tree, and members of her
family are found in the rock record worldwide. Today only two species
remain, Ginkgo biloba and Ginkgo webola. Ginkgo webola was nurtured in
a bookstore in her early years, and later spent time in California
studying photography, in Colorado working as a photographer, in Indiana
working as a retail general manager, in Illinois working for a computer
games company, and now grows in Wisconsin with her husband where she
spends inordinate amounts of time on the computer. Ginkgo requires full
sun and a dedicated ISDN line for adequate growth.
Molly Carter is a twenty-one year old Jack-Of-All-Trades. Her current
passions are reading, spending time with her two adorable children and
wonderful husband, learning more about HTML, working on her online journal
when time permits, playing - and losing at - pool, involvement in the SCA
(Society for Creative Anacronisms), and re-taking her
position in a professional belly dance troupe.Born in New London,
Conniticut, she has lived in many places, visited even more. Home for her
will always be New Mexico.
Stacey is a 20-year-old college student majoring in computer science in
Pittsburgh, PA. In her spare time she dabbles in web design and
writing, most often in her online journal, Translucent. She's not sure
where or what or who she wants to be when she grows up, except that she
plans to set up house somewhere near the ocean with a big claw-footed
bathtub, rooms full of bookshelves, a tree with a swing, and a calico
kitten. The kitten's name is yet to be determined; she does like to
leave a few things up to chance.
Project URL: http://eurydice.net/fw/index.html
tesserae is a 30 year old happily married, bisexual, feminist woman with 3
cats, one human child, and a house overflowing with books. She has worked
as a piano teacher, a retail grunge monster, a web designer, and a kickass
sandwich maker in a trendy health food shop. Currently she divides her time
between her child, her husband, her computer and her myriad of inner
selves. If tess had to pick any favourites out of the entirety of the
world, they would be (not necessarily in this order): forest green,
sun-ripened raspberry, silk pajamas, flannel sheets, sunflowers, straw
hats, and carne asada tacos with lime.