Greetings and Salutations!
I've decided to start putting graphics and images up for people to use and peruse on their own if they like. I've always had a love for Photoshop and various other graphic-manipulating tools. Many of these images came partly because I needed something. A new desktop image here. A graphic that inspired me there. If you're interested in a particular set and want a small bit of tweaking, let me know. Perhaps we can strike up a deal.
February 1999
Vicky Jean and Patrick
Two online journallers inspired me to use Photoshop this week. One is Vicki Jean of chez xx journal and the other is Patrick from inside: patrick's daily journal.
She discovered my journal and wrote me a wonderful email message. She wanted to know if I could make some graphics for her. Her only two requirements were that it contained her name and a dolphin. I came up with a background, a large title image, smaller title image, and a bar.
January 1999
The set for the week of January 31, 1999. It reminds me of the beautiful handwritten bibles from medieval times. My first attempt at a tilable background (unfortunately, it is unsuccessful). The lettering treatment is great, however, and gives the effective appearance of faded ink.
February 1999
One of my favorite journal reads is The Mighty Kymm. I asked if I could make a set of graphics for her for February. She said sure and I came up with a February-themed set. I decided that the set was great enough for me to offer it, slightly adjusted, to everyone else.
December 1998
Seasons Greetings
I'm not particularly good at sending out greeting cards. Since many of my friends I've made are online, I decided instead of sending out those "send a card" or "send a postcard" deals, I would create a set of graphic banners for them.
Star Wars
May 21, 1999. It's a Friday. I'm not going to be at work. Instead, I shall be in the movie theater, watching the new Star Wars movie. I can't wait. I saw the trailer and I was outrageously happy! I took some images from www.starwars.com and created a desktop theme for me. Email me I'll send it to you. It is a 2.36M .bmp file.
© Copyright 1998, Lucasfilm Ltd. Used under the terms of use outlined on the Star Wars website as private and non-commercial use.