Cast of Characters
This is a list of people that I mention often in my journal entries but do not typically describe who they are (for example, I do not need to include who "ma" is, because I believe that you, Constant Reader, would know who that is). If you find that I mention someone that you don't know, let me know. I am so blessed to know such beautiful people.
- Ella or Els
- My little sister, aged 17. The artist. She has her own website. Sometimes she irritates me. Sometimes I think she's very cool. Sometimes she thinks I'm cool and I feel good about myself. She's a much better writer than I am. She's a much better artist than I am. Creatively, she's tops. I wish she read more (like me) and is into computers more (like me)... but oh well.
- Mike or Mr. Lake
- The man in my life. Whenever I refer to "Mike", I mean Mr. Lake. He has his own website. He is my best friend, my lover, my partner, my teacher, my student. He is everything in my life and I can't imagine life without him. He makes me laugh and cry and knows where all my buttons are.
- Mike, Mr. Pepe or coco!
- A very old friend of mine that I knew from my ddial (diversi dial) days. He's a gamer and a fellow otaku (although I'm not sure he will admit to that title). He's intelligent and funny and very handsome. I'm surprised we never dated when I knew him back then. He's definitely my type. My day is brightened whenever he buzzes me on ICQ.
- Tori
- Victoria Elizabeth Lease. A gorgeous, intelligent, sexy femina from UIUC. We met because we both lived in the same dorm (Allen Hall). I love her so much. She's the kind of woman that I would definitely date and fall completely head-over-heels with. I need people like her in my life. They inject me with life.
- Tim
- Mike's best friend. He's very cool and I want him in my harem! He has some interesting quirks (he makes sound effects to replace words) but I think he's a very wonderful guy. He's a huge fan of Disney and Titanic and, according to Mike, he's into all things disasterish. Another fellow gamer.
- Brian, Brian McKay
- Another one of Mike's best friends from high school. At first, we kind of didn't get along, but I think now we're okay with each other. A fellow gamer and player of the evil Glipnot. I'll write about Glipnot someday.
- Brother Joe
- One of the few people that I talk to from Iglesia Ni Cristo (my mother's family's church).
- Brian M., Brian Martin. Mr. Martin.
- I knew him in college. We started the Assassins' Guild together. We don't talk much anymore.
- Mark Anthony
- My exboyfriend from Virginia Beach. We dated off and on for 4 years when I was in high school. We both met while I was in Iglesia Ni Cristo. He's still in it. With his entire family. Which is why he is still in it. He used to draw and was very talented in that way. He was going to be a doctor. Now he works out and races his car and is going to be an infrastructure/IT person. Wow, how things change.
- Bonita80 or Christine
- We started to know each other by getting into a conversation on #bodyart. She was interested in native Puerto Rican plants and I was happy to oblige with information. She's going with me when I get my eyebrow pierced and we'll probably go clubbing together in the future. I've seen her pic and I think she's gorgeous and I can't wait to see her IRL too! She's also got a website
- Keith
- Keith Alexander. My new piercer. He is the owner of Modern American BodyArt, Inc.. He pierced my eyebrow with such a gentle touch. I'm looking to him to pierce my tragus (maybe get an industrial?). He also does cuttings and I'm debating on whether I should get the Ai character as a cutting or a tattoo. Hmm... decisions! He is Christina's and Dori's piercer.
- ScribeTribe
- A group of journal enthusiasts. Some have them online. Some have them offline. A high-traffic (but worthwhile) listserv that always gets me thinking. I post fairly frequently and some of the posts really reveal me, so I include them as journal entries for the Mind's I. If you'd like to join, check out the Website. I write the Question du Jour for We(d)n(e)sday.
- Kinderhook
- The company that I work for. I love it there! They have a website. If you need a job, let me know. I'll forward your resume to our HR department.
- Work People
- Jose -- The project leader on the application that I'm currently working on. He's a great guy with an adorible accent when he talks. I think he's the most knowledgable person on Lotus Notes/Domino that I know. I admire him immensely.
Sarah -- One of the technical architects on the application that I'm currently working on. She is uber cool. She graduated from Yale with a degree in music (composition) but is now a programmer. She's very funny and frequently sends me funny items via email.
Robert -- The art director. I work with him alot and the creative department. He's got a great eye for typography.
Num -- A designer that I work with frequently. We work and communicate well with each other and I think he's a really nice guy.
Erin -- A fellow programmer. She's pretty cool. She has a cart piercing that I think is really cute. Maybe I'll buy her a ring to wear in it someday.
Doris -- Another fellow programmer, although she was hired in the Creative department. She's inked with "Ai" (cool!) but fears getting pierced. Strange...
Keonaona -- A very cool woman. She's Hawaiian and used to be an editor (I think) at Harper Collins. She's very funny, has a great laugh, and is a fellow book lover. I think she's awesome.
- Constant Reader
- That's you, whomever you are on the other side of the screen. Thanks for visiting.
© Copyright 1998, Eileene Coscolluela [woolgathering]