My father took these excellent photographs of me early in 1998 (or late 1997, I'm not exactly sure when these photographs were taken of me). I was looking for a job back then. Here I am looking through the employment ads.
I think you can easily see the excellence in composition of the photographs. According to Mike, the image on the right is far more flattering, but the left is far better in composition. What do you think? Looking at jobs out here instead of out in the midwest, I was very surprised to find many more jobs here than in Illinois. I'm glad that I looked out here: I found the excellent job that I currently have at Kinderhook.
I've gained a lot of
weight in the past few year since I've graduated from school. I suppose I got far more sluggish when I no longer had to go to classes and my focus became work. Work is essentially sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours a day... and going home to continue doing so for the next few hours since it was my favorite pasttime as well. I'm trying to become more active, but it's a generally difficult thing for me. I guess I'm destined to not be skinny. Mike says that my girlish flirtation is really reflected in this picture.